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Bowling Gallery

Bowling gallery is about learning to bowling, tips to buy bowling, bowling accesories and equipment and much much more.....

Monday, August 24, 2009

Online Bowling Game

Enjoy Bowling in Fun Easy Ways

Bowling amateurs as well as professionals agree on one thing about the game. Bowling relieves tension and stress and helps free many emotions that cannot be released in any other way. What better way to have fun and enjoy the time spent either for a healthy competition or merely a friendly game than to go bowling. Below are more tips to get everyone participating in the game to enjoy the sport.

1. Experiment with different kinds of bowling balls. Try the different weights, size, and colors until the most comfortable ball is found. Rule of thumb is: choose the ball that is most comfortable to carry and release but make sure the weight is heavy enough.

2. If playing bowling is turning out to be a passion, purchase a custom made bowling ball; one made for ease, and with holes drilled especially to fit the owner's fingers.

3. Discount sporting goods stores carry a wide selection of bowling balls that are less expensive and yet perform very well.

4. Choose bowling shoes that fit perfectly and do not pinch the toes. Avoid slippery soled shoes and to get the best deal check with the many discount stores.

5. Begin by placing the feet at the start of the alley for this affects the ball's direction. Try different angles and places to get the right angle for releasing the ball. Once the perfect spot is discovered, make sure to stand in the same place each time for consistency.

6. To attain perfect balance, right-handed players step with their right foot first when they approach the foul line and the left foot is used to give the last step when the ball is released and vise versa.

7. Practice doing the steps slowly and visualize a ball in your hand. It will be helpful to do the flare in front of a mirror to get used to the way the body is maneuvered during the approach.

8. Always aim at the head pin. Look at the balls closely and concentrate on hitting the target. Never take the eyes away from the head pin during the first or second ball. Professionals say that balls really do follow the player's eyes.

9. Bend the knees when releasing the ball as this creates ball control.

10.Avoid turning the wrist to prevent fracture.
11. Wipe the ball as often as needed to keep dirt and oil from sticking to it and make sure that it is dry. Using a clean ball during the game helps the ball get the curve desired.

No matter how when a player started bowling, it is the passion and the sense of fun that leads him to success. Just keep on practicing and the scores will continue to grow.

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